Monday, February 14, 2011

To my Valentines!!

I can't say it enough I LOVE MY BOYS!
They are the best things that have ever happen to me!!

3 Things that I LOVE about Devyn right now:

  1. 1. I LOVE how he is such a mommy's boy right now!
  2. 2. I love his cute little personality that is starting to show!
  3. 3. I love when he starts laughing!
3 Things I LOVE about Cory:
  1. 1. I love how he can make me laugh when I'm suppose to be mad!
  2. 2. I love how he is my best friend!
  3. 3. I LOVE how he is with Devyn
  4. I'm NOT a big fan of Valentines day! I kinda thing its pointless; even though I still LOVE MY BOYS! This year Cory got me a beautiful bracelet which I LOVE!! I got Cory another playstation controller and we gave Devyn a Mickey Mouse Club House movie; which he LOVES!!!!