Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh How I miss it!

So this afternoon I found a channel that showed College Gymnastics!! Can I tell you how excited i was to see this? Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this sport! When I was younger my gymnastics teacher Jenny would take me to watch the UofU compete. It was the funniest thing ever! I use to dream of being on their gymnastics team! Oh how I still love to watch it! Maybe one day I will be able to talk Cory into taking to watch them again! I've already tried to convince him that this was the sport for Devyn. He didn't agree so much!! So one day if I ever have another little one and its a girl! I already got her future planned! We will see how that goes!!!


The Merrills

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas now is better then never!!!

I know its kinda late for Christmas pictures but I figured now is better then never! We went to my mom's for Christmas and it was a blast to see everyone!

Christmas eve we had a family party and Jessica (my cousin) came with her little girl! Who is only 2 weeks or so younger then Devyn! It was fun to see her and she is a doll!
Chrismas morning i didn't get alot of pictures because of all the excitment. Devyn made it fun to have Christmas this year even though he had no idea what was going on. He was very spoiled!

Some Randomness

I foud these way cute pics of Devyn and some of his cute cousins