I can't believe that is already Thanksgiving. I love this time of year. All the family time and decorations! We get to go to Vernal this year for Thanksgiving!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I have missed it so much! I've missed my family, friends, and just the town! I know its weird to say since all I use to say was how I couldn't wait to leave it, and now I miss it so much!!!
I've been thinking about all the many things I have to be grateful this year for; there is so many things that I'm thankful for!
* I'm thankful for my wonderful husband; and how he is my best friend!
* I'm so very thankful for my little boy! He is the center of our world and we love it! We couldn't imagine our life with out him!
* I'm thankful for our roof over our head, food on our table, and for Cory's job!
* I'm thankful for all my wonderful nieces and nephews!
* I'm thankful for my in-laws.
* I'm so very thankful for the gospel! It help comforts me when I need it!
* I'm so very thankful for my Heavenly Father and the Holy ghost!
*I'm so thankful for this WONDERFUL country and the people who serve it!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
The Merrill's